UNDIP FKM Masters Study Program provides Technical Guidance on Vector Control
Salatiga, 23 February 2024 – Students from the Master of Environmental Health Study Program, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University provided technical guidance to the Environmental Health Laboratory Center (BBLKL). The event was opened by the Head of BBLKL Adum Subdivision, Fery Jelitawati, SE, M.Kes, MM followed by remarks from the UNDIP FKM Representative, Dr.Ir.Martini, M.Kes. The activity was carried out for one day, the technical guidance material was divided into 4 sessions, the first session was mosquito bionomics material presented by Riyani Setyaningsih, S.Si, M.Sc. The second session of material was entitled vector control with speakers Lulus Susanti, SKM, MPH, then continued with the third session of practical mosquito identification and surgery of salivary glands and ovaries with speakers Fahmay Dwi Ayuningrum and B.Marjianto. In the fourth session, the material given was rat identification delivered by Esti Rahardianingtyas, S.Si., M..biotech and closed with material on ectoparasite identification by Muhidin, SKM. Integrated Vector Control (PVT) is an approach that in implementation needs to pay attention to security, rationality, effectiveness of implementation and success. (AP)